Legends of Lakewood’s JL Tree
In the town of Lakewood, Ocean County, stands a tree which is famous in local lore known as the “JL...
In the town of Lakewood, Ocean County, stands a tree which is famous in local lore known as the “JL...
The campus of Georgian Court University in Lakewood, a Catholic institution with a focus on women’s education, is the former...
One of the most unique, and downright bizarre roadside attractions to be found in New Jersey is surprisingly not the...
Nestled in a quiet Pleasantville neighborhood, just outside of Atlantic City, is an amazing architectural marvel dreamed up and created...
Located in the wood on the outskirts of Pinewald, near Cedar Creek, can be found the mysterious ruins of a...
The North Shrewsbury (Navesink) River is one of the most scenic estuaries on the Eastern Coast of America. Known for...
It’s a lone white wooden building that stands with its back to the windswept shore of the Sandy Hook Bay...
It would not be an exaggeration to say that Greek’s Playland in Monroe Township is the most unique park of...
Imagine it’s rush hour and you’re trapped in the bumper-to-bumper traffic hell that is Middletown. The grim procession of cars...
By Vince Chesner for Weird NJ During a highly publicized round-the-world flight many believe that aviator Amelia Earhart was captured...